Whoa sibeh, I already got the greatest shock early this morning. I forgot to bring my art piece! =,= Thank god I finished everything on time. You can never know how stressed I was, because I only had all my attention on my drawings. Thanks Charan for helping me out. Hurhur. Anyways, today is Nini's-Fullest-Attention-On-Studying day! I feel so good. Heh. Oh yes, my form teacher told me to keep up with my attendance. Yeah, I'm going to. No more skipping school, I've to improve on my attendance in order to contribute to my overall results, since he promised me that he'll give me a chance if I improve on my attendance. So that must happen ok! :)
My last period ended late cus I needed to finish up photoshopping my artwork. I got so fed-up with Photoshop cus whatever I press, it will appear out as another thing. My art teacher and buddies had to help me with almost everything. Haha. I just hope that I'll be able to get more used to it soon, cus I really want, or maybe need, to make my art piece one of the best! Yay for me! So anyways, after my art lesson ended, I met up with Charan and we went back to my classroom to decorate the class. We had such a hard time opening the paint cans okay! Even some of the students from the other class came to help us.. But got one makcik kepo lah, Zakiah. Hahaha! See, I took a video of her opening the can. Kecoh gile babi, trust me.
In the end, she couldn't open it. Haikal did. Lol! Harapkan aje kecoh, tapi tak terbukak-bukak. Hahaha. I went home soon after with the girls. Got home, talked to boyfriend, went to bed, woke up, had dinner, and here I am blogging right now. Tomorrow is the last day of the schooling week, and I am happy with myself for having to attend school this whole week. I'm so Nadhirah Azuwera now. Muahaha. Charan, give me present leh? *smiles widely*